The Power of Being a N00b

Photo by Tobias on Unsplash

Photo by Tobias on Unsplash

This is scary. I don’t know what to do next. I’m such an idiot. I’m making so many mistakes. Do I belong here?

Being a n00b or a newbie, no matter what the unfamiliar situation— job, school, community, career, or learning a new skill—is deeply uncomfortable. It fills us with mental anxiety as well as the large barrier of getting up-to-speed in an unknown domain. These feelings of imposter syndrome are entirely normal.

I’ve felt this when I started writing my first book, Make Space to Lead, and embraced a new identity as an author. Gradually as I eased into a writing rhythm, supported by a book coach, the n00b feeling eased, only to reemerge at 10x scale when I’m now transitioning into marketing and promoting for a November 2nd book launch.

A wise coach friend of mine reminded me to enjoy the process. She wished for me ”to treasure and enjoy the experience. You only ever publish your first book once!”

So, if you’re feeling like a n00b, no matter what your current situation, channel some Brené Brown and acknowledge that you’re experiencing a Fucking First Time (FFT). FFTs are often ridiculously difficult and feel like they’re kicking your butt. Instead, pick one of these three strategies to embrace the power of being a n00b.

1. Celebrate Beginner’s Mind

Beginner’s mind is the practice of seeing life without the preconceived notions and expectations of the more skeptical expert’s mind. As a newbie, we know very little. But our advantage is having all the questions and knowing none of the answers. Plus, because we’re new, we’re not expected to know the answers. This can be easy to forget when we’re in a new environment. Our anxieties and personal expectations want us to be as knowledgeable as the more experienced people. Simply remember that there are no stupid questions. And even if there were, maybe it’s okay to look foolish as a beginner.

The advantage of this approach and fearless curiosity is that it can uncover new insights for others. You bring in a fresh perspective to a company or a situation in a unique manner that more tenured professionals are no longer able to see.

Be curious. Be humble. Seek to learn. Drop the expectations.

2. Appreciate Fresh Energy and Enthusiasm

I’ve started meeting weekly with an accountability partner as we both have books launching in November. The difference is that he’s a bestselling author and has written five books (fiction and non-fiction). I feel that I’ve lucked out to find a partner with such experience, and to my surprise, he acknowledged that it felt like a breath of fresh air to see my energy and enthusiasm.

As a n00b, we may have low skill in the domain, but can make up for it with will. It’s a new subject area, and there is a gleam to shiny new objects. Many of us have heaping amounts of enthusiasm when doing a thing for the first time. This activation energy can be contagious to those around us.

You may have experienced this energy when working with a new grad or an summer intern at a job. Many of them are hugely motivated, eager to learn and try anything new, and bring in a youthful energy.

When things feel frustrating, remember that you’re learning. Try to feel that burst of energy and enthusiasm and let that carry you through this period of unfamiliarity.

3. Opportunity to Reframe Your Mindset

Finally, use this n00b state as the opportunity to reframe your mindset. It will feel difficult and overwhelming to grow in a new area, however, reminding yourself of these tips will help with the reframe:

  • Relish the experience

  • Embrace the mess and know that you will make mistakes

  • Build a community of guides and fellow n00bs to share the journey

  • Don’t forget to laugh (at yourself)

Bottom Line

Change can be deeply uncomfortable and have aspects of both fear and exhilaration. Remember that when you’re a n00b, you can embrace your power by 1. Celebrating beginner’s mind, 2. Appreciating the energy, and 3. Finding opportunities to reframe.

Tutti Taygerly